Adio Shoes are skateboarders dream footwear.
Adio shoes and sneakers are made by Adio Footwear, an american company created by retired pro skater Chris Miller in 98.
Adio shoes and sneakers are developed for males and females who are skateboard enthusiasts and by those who really know about skateboarding. Adio is specialized in skateboader shoes so you realize you get the quality that a skater wants to perform very well on the street on or the ramp. Adio mens shoes and sneakers and Adio womens shoes and sneakers are designed to skate, 100% sure.
Adio shoes (pronounced as Audio) are made of quality materials that are resilient to withstand the most challenging skate tricks. The Adio shoes collections include skate shoes, flip flops as well as custom skate shoes for males and females. They also manufacture skate shoes and sneakers for youngsters. Top skateboarding professionals and authorities like Joey Brezinski, Ed Selego, Jordan Hoffart, Chris Troy, Anthony Schultz, Ernie Torres, Moose, Nick Tucker, Jeremy Wray, Tony Hawk, Shaun White and Bam Margera have all designed shoes for Adio. They are all real individuals who live and breathe skateboarding.
Adio shoes come in lace-up as well as slip-on with a large range of designs and colours to choose from. Professional model skateboarding shoes are also available. Pick from a collection of Adio shoes named, designed, and supported by the whos who inside the skate world like the Adio Torres V1 and V2 lace-up sneakers created by pro skater Ernie Torres. Adio shoes for kids are also extremely popular, mainly because truly budget friendly. Created with security characteristics in mind, Adio shoes and sneakers for kids are designed with grippy rubber outer soles. Adio skate shoes are for sale in different sizes varying from kids to adults, for both males and females.
Adio utilizes materials like ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) as well as rubber cup soles for a light-weight and comfy skateboarding shoes. Vulcanized soles for durability. Adio shoes and sneakers use canvas, custom-made leather, suede and also rubber for styling. Though Adio shoes focuses on the technical superiority and safety they don't forget about the need of styling. Colours and designs are combined to create an attractive looking skateboarding shoe. Functionality and design are basics for Adio Footwear.
Footwear like Adio Torres, Adio Dean, Adio Vengeance, Adio Crane, Adio Radley, Adio Riviera, Adio Copley, Adio Standard Mid, Adio Snap, Adio Version, Adio Oath, and Adio Hamilton are current and updated versions of the Adio footwear models. These Adio shoes and sneakers capture the substance of a skater way of life: exciting, stimulating and invigorating. Experience that way of life with Adio shoes. Make certain you take a look at the Adio Kenny shoes line, they're awesome!